Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010

Wow! It's been a while since I posted to this blog - sorry about that. My only excuse, lame as it may be, is that I've been spectacularly busy. At any rate, in case anyone is checking in tonight, I wanted to let the third graders know that they're all invited to stay at school for a pizza lunch- on me - tomorrow at noon. I'll contact everyone by phone as well.

Also, I should remind everyone that we will be swimming tomorrow morning. Remember your swim gear! Also, if anyone wants to bring any treats - a bag of chips or veggies or cookies or whatever - for a treat table, please feel free to do so.

One final reminder: we hike in the afternoon, so remember to bring a backpack with water. I'll have bug spray and sunscreen with me.

Until tomorrow, then!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

Word of the day: comprehend

1. Spelling due tomorrow
2. Practise Reading Comprehension and Math problem solving questions from the Exam Bank link

Brain buster challenge: Try saying "Unique New York" five times in a row - quickly and correctly!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010

Word of the day: procrastinate

1. Choose and complete 10 math problem solving questions from the Exam Bank link
2. Choose and complete 10 reading comprehension questions from the Exam Bank link

Brain buster: Five pieces of coal, a carrot, and a scarf were lying on the lawn. Nobody put them there, but there is a perfectly logical reason for their being there. What is it?

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4, 2010

Word of the day: benign

Reminders for Monday:
1. Library card for the afternoon
2. Get math test signed and return it

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3, 2010

Word of the day: prompt

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Spelling test
2. Practise some reading comprehension and math problem solving questions from the Exam Bank link
3. The school's EnviroFair will be held tomorrow afternoon. We're trying to run the fair this year with no money involved, so please don't send any cash to school for this event. Our class is hosting a book exchange table; everyone is invited (but not required) to bring a book or books to exchange.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2, 2010

Word of the day: illegible

Great news! The class made it to Pfigliano in our counting game!!!!! Wowza! What a thrill!

1. Spelling due tomorrow
2. Return permission form regarding a year end activity day.
3. Read the note on head lice.