Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

(Review) word of the day: audible

Congratulations to Jillian for perfect completion of today's times tables quiz. Well done, Jillian!

On another "Jillian note", we're sad to report that today was her last day at Jasper Elementary School. Jillian is moving with her family to central Alberta. We'll miss her alot!

Students, please get your parent(s) to sign and return the Science test for Miss Montgomerie. Thanks.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26, 2009

(Review) word of the day: aroma

1. Spelling test tomorrow.
2. Practise times tables.
3. Get those math tests (on telling time) signed and return them tomorrow.
4. Book order due tomorrow.
5. There will be noon dismissal tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25,2009

(Review) word of the day: futile
Congratulations to Giela and Emmanuel for perfect completion of today's times tables challenge. Very impressive!

Thanks to all the students who dressed up for Twin Day today.

1. Spelling due tomorrow.
2. Read, read, read!
3. Practise times tables.
4. There will be a noon dismissal for students Friday.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009

(Review) word of the day: amorous

Congratulations to Bianca, George, and Jessie for perfect completion of today's times tables challenge!

1. Read!
2. Tomorrow is Twin Day.
3. Practise those times tables!

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23, 2009

(Review) word of the day: soporific

Congratulations to Liam, George and Giela for winning Immunity for this week's spelling quiz. Congratulations, too, to Alex, Josh, Emmanuel and Ben for perfect completion of today's times tables challenge. Well done!!

1. Spelling due Thursday
2. Library book exchange tomorrow
3. Twin day Wednesday (students are invited, but not required to pair up with a friend and come dressed as twins)
4. Noon dismissal this Friday

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Frebruary 19, 2009

Word of the day: obstinate

1. Spelling test tomorrow.
2. Math sheet (on telling time) due tomorrow.
3. Read!
4. Practise times tables.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18, 2009

Word of the day: synonyms

Congratulations to Emmanuel for perfect completion of today's times tables challenge - in two minutes!!! Amazing! This boy has completed all the times tables challenges within the three minute time frame and is now conquering them in an even faster way! VERY impressive.

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Practise times tables.
2. Spelling is due Thursday.
3. Cookie sale tomorrow. Bring a quarter if you'd like a cookie!
4. Read, read, read!