Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Word of the day: prodigious

1. Spelling due Thursday
2. Get math tests signed and returned.
3. Newsletters went home today.
4. The Enviro Club hike is on tomorrow - be sure to have your permission form in if you're involved with this.

I can't believe that May is standing on its last legs! I'm sorry to see the year winding down - it's been such a great Grade Three class to work with!

If you have an extra minute, check out the Hummingbird Link. A crow knocked into the nest last Friday and the baby hummers were knocked out. The gentleman who set up the web cam managed to find one baby and return it to the nest, but the other couldn't be found. The baby in the nest is growing at the speed of light and is nearly as big as Momma! Can it be long before it flies away?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

May 26, 2010

Word of the day: conspicuous

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Spelling test
2. Book order due
3. Practise math/reading comprehension questions from the Exam Bank link
4. Library books

Head Scratcher of the Day: Try playing the "Hot chocolate, hot chocolate, I love hot chocolate" game at home.

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010

Word of the day: vague

Thanks to all the people who sent cookies for our sale! We raised $98.50 for our Foster Child fund! Awesome!

Congratulations to those who participated in today's talent show - wonderful job!

Reminders for the weekend:
1. Practise math problems and reading comprehension from the Exam Bank link.
2. Enjoy the long weekend - see everybody next Tuesday!

Brain buster for the weekend: A man in a restaurant complained to the waiter that there was a fly in his cup of coffee. The waiter took the cup away and promised to bring a fresh cup of coffee. He returned a few moments later. The man tasted the coffee and complained that this was his original cup of coffee with the fly removed. He was correct, but how could he have known?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18, 2010

Word of the day: illegible

1. Practise math facts - and try a few rounds of Zoom Schwartz Pfigliano. We need to break our record of 57!
2. Bring 2 dozen cookies for this Thursday morning for our cookie sale.
3. Enviro Club members, remember to give your parents the note you got today.
4. Talent show participants, remember that you have a practise Thursday after school in the gym.
5. Check out the hummingbird cam!

Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Word of the day: bogus

1. Spelling due Thursday
2. Our class is having a cookie sale this Thursday morning. Please send 2 dozen baked treats (cookies, rice krispie squares, cupcakes - whatever you're good at baking) to school Thursday morning. Proceeds support our school's foster child. Thanks!
3. The goose cam link doesn't seem to have the hummingbird connection any more, so I've added a "Hummingbird Nest" link at the side so that we can still check in on the Orange County mama and babies.

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14, 2010

Word of the day: prodigious

1. Practise math tests and reading comprehension tests from the Exam Bank link.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12, 2010

Word of the day: conspicuous

1. Practise adding, subtracting and multiplying facts from the Exam Bank link. Our 2 minute Provincial Achievement tests in this area are tomorrow.

2. Spelling is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11, 2010

Word of the day: authentic

The story writing test today went very well! The class produced wildly varying ideas on the picture prompt; everything from video games to gods and goddesses to the Pandora galaxy was featured as a theme - great reading!

Our next Provincial Achievement test is Thursday morning. We'll write the 2 minute timed math facts tests (for adding, subtracting, and multiplication) then.

1. Practise math facts from the Exam Bank link.
2. Check out the goose cam. The mother has left the nest with her single gosling and is not expected to return, but the cam is still trained on the nest. There is a link to a Youtube site showing the gosling, so check that out if you get a minute. And, as many of you know, the second hummingbird egg hatched last night! Some fun!

Switching from feather to fur now, I thought you might enjoy this video, called "All Kids Love Mud Puddles."

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

Word of the day: mnemonic

Congratulations to Breanna, Braeden, Jessa and Adrian for getting Spelling Immunity this week!

1. Spelling due Thursday
2. Practise math facts from the Exam Bank link
3. Story writing test tomorrow
4. Check out the hummingbird cam - it's an actual humming bird now, not a bald eagle! There were 2 eggs in the nest on Sunday, but this morning when we checked, there was only one egg because the other had hatched! It's definitely worth a peek. Just click on the Goose cam link on the side. It'll take you to the Edmonton Journal website. Just above the goose photo/link is a listing in blue ink for the humming bird cam.
5. Enviro Club members, bring your lunch tomorrow.

I just checked in with the Goose Cam and read an exciting update: at least one of the eggs has hatched! Go Mama Goose!

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 2010

Word of the day: ascend

1. Practise adding, subtracting and multiplying facts on the Exam Bank link
2. Be nice to your mommies!

Check out the Goose Cam for the link to the Hummingbird Cam, which is actually a bald eagle link. The baby eagle has hatched and puts on a great show at feeding time!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6, 2010

Word of the day: gilded

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Spelling test
2. Story writing assignment due
3. Practise math facts, especially adding and subtracting, from the Exam Bank link
4. Hat and Tell
5. If you forgot your cup of rice, please bring it!
6. Library books

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010

Word of the day: intricate

Congratulations to Ethan for perfect completion of his final times tables challenge!

1. Practise adding, subtracting and multipliying facts from the Exam Bank link.
2. Spelling due tomorrow
3. Keep working on the stories that are due Friday
4. Please round up a cup of dry, uncooked rice, beans, lentils, or a reasonable substitute for these items and send it to school tomorrow. Parents, we can't tell you what the rice is for, but can assure you that you'll love it. Ask us no questions, we'll tell you no lies.

Check out the sheep shearing videos from yesterday's baaa-log. (Haha.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

Word of the day: diminutive

1. Practise math facts
2. Work on the story that's due Friday
3. Check out the Goose Cam - there's been a change in the weather in the past little while...

We had a story in Language Arts today about sheep and shepherds, so I've included these videos to complement today's reading.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Word of the day: adjacent

I must congratulate the class on the excellent story writing that was produced last week. This group of third graders has lots of talent! I've sent back last week's stories (with the exception of the stories of 4 people - we ran out of time to go over them today so their stories will go home tomorrow) so that folks at home can see all the wonderful things that I've commented on. Please return the stories (last week's and a good copy of this week's) by Friday. THERE IS NO NEED TO REDO LAST WEEK'S STORY! I just wanted the students to show them off and use them as a guide as to what to include in this week's effort. Thanks.

1. Practise math facts - especially the subtraction and addition ones on the Exam Bank link at the side.
2. Spelling due Thursday
3. Good copy of story due Friday

If you get a chance, drop in and take a peek at the beautiful butterflies that the class painted. They're flying all over the room! I've added some "butterfly emerging from chrysalis" videos. Have a look!

I've also added this video of a caterpillar undergoing its transformation. The whole process has been sped up quite substantially - apparently it took around 3 hours in reality.