Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! Click on the words "Happy Halloween" to find the card that we looked at in class! Enjoy!

I've also added a link to some Halloween songs - just go to the far right hand side of the page and click on the title "Halloween Songs."

Thanks to all the people who sent treats for our party on Friday. Everything was delicious! Great job on the costumes, as well. (We've got some great pictures to add to the journals.) Our trip to the seniors' lodge was alot of fun - and the students' presentation was fangtastic! It can't be long before Hollywood comes knocking at the door of Room 4 at JES ...

Here's another Halloween game-counting backward this time. Just click on the words "counting backward" to go to the link.

Remember to trick or treat safely tonight - and be sure to get an adult to check your candy over before you chow down. Also, please remember that your candy needs to stay at home. (Sorry!) Please bring nutritious snacks - as usual - for your recess eating.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

1. Practise for tomorrow's spelling test.

2. Please send a small juice box to contribute to tomorrow afternoon's witches' brew.

3. I've added a link to a Hallowe'en page that will connect with counting practise. Just click on the following address:

4. This is just a final reminder about tomorrow afternoon's costume party and our visit and short performance at the Alpine Seniors' Lodge.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Bring a loonie for the Haunted House that Mrs. Sawka's class is sponsoring. Our class will be visiting the Haunted House in the afternoon. The house will be open until 4:00 p.m. after school tomorrow as well, so if any parents or siblings (or others!) would like to visit, bring a dollar and enjoy the show!

2. There will be a cookie sale tomorrow - bring a quarter if you'd like a cookie!

3. We'll be having our Hallowe'en party Friday afternoon. Students can come dressed in costume after lunch. The school will have a costume parade in the gym right after registration, then we'll head over to the Alpine Seniors' Lodge (the new lodge) to show off our spooky finery and to do a short performance for them. Parents are most welcome to join us at the lodge for our show!

4. We're planning to make a witches' brew for the Friday afternoon party. Please send a small juice box with your child to contribute to the brew making event.

5. Anyone who would like to contribute anything for our snack table on Friday is most welcome to do so - with our thanks and appreciation!

6. I'm still looking for someone who can cut out cardboard guitars for us. Please let me know if you are willing and able to help out with this!

7. Please have your child memorize his/her birthdate. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010

We had our first session in the computer lab today. The students need to use their birthdate (month and day) to log in. While we're happy to supply the birthdates to the students, it would be nice if they knew this information themselves. There were quite a few students who didn't know when their birthdays were. If you get a minute, parents, please teach your child his/her birthday. Thanks!

I'm looking for a parent volunteer who wouldn't mind cutting out a set of classroom cardboard guitars for an art project. I already have the cardboard - I just need the manpower! Please let me know if you can help out.

We had some fun writing up witch brew ingredients today - there were some great ideas!

Just a reminder that we'll be visiting the Grade 6 (Mrs. Sawka's class) haunted house this Thursday. Admission to the haunted house is a loonie - and it's worth every penny! Money raised last year was used to purchase 10 mango trees and 2 bee keeping kits to help promote and support economic development in a third world country. What a wonderful opportunity for our students to practise global citizenship and responsibility!

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010

It's been some time since I last posted but I'll try to write more regularly on this blog. To begin for today:

This week's spelling words (hot, mop, not, dog, pot, sob,rope, and boat) are concentrating on the vowel "o". The list is shorter this week because of the more varying endings (notice that not many words rhyme, as they have in previous weeks) and because of the addition of two more difficult words (rope and boat) that illustrate some phonetic rules.

The first rule is the "magic e" one - where the silent "e" jumps over the consonant to its left and makes the vowel say its own name.

The second rule is "When 2 vowels go walking, the first one does the talking and it says its own name." So in the word boat, where the vowels "o" and "a" are adjacent, the first one is the one you hear while the second one is silent.

We've been working on Hallowe'en vocabulary, practising the following words: bats, witch, pumpkin, goblin, spider webs, spooky, vampire, monster, skeleton, dark night, trick or treat, rats, full moon, hoot owl, haunted house, costume, mask, mummy, and brew. If the students have trouble remembering the words, the best prompt to give them is to say, "What do you know about this word?" Often the first letter of the word will trigger the student's awareness of the word.

We've also been working on the symbols for "greater than" (>) , "less than" (<), and "equal" in math - comparing 3 witch hats with 5, for example, and representing the answer this way: 3 < 5. We've also been working on adding and subtracting using sums up to 10. We use smartboard figures that can be moved around, or pumpkin/ghost counters at their desks to practise. (This is where the ability to count forward and backward REALLY helps!) We watched a great Hallowe'en short video last week. Just click on the following words: