Sam's caregiver for the night: Logan
Happy First Day of Spring! Legend has it that eggs are able to sit on their ends on the first day of spring. We tried it in our class and it worked! As I write this, there are still 5 eggs balanced on their ends on the carpet at the side of the class.
We also proved how strong egg shells can be. If you push on the two ends of a raw egg - and I mean push as hard as you can - you will not be able to break the egg. All the mighty muscles of our class tried it and NO ONE could break the egg. (If you try this at home, make sure the egg has no cracks in it before you push on it.)
I was mistaken about Phoebe's second egg hatching. The second egg was actually removed from the nest because it was non-viable. An orphaned baby was placed in the nest and Mama Phoebe took to it right away! Click on the link here to see the transfer of the baby to its new nest.