Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

Word of the day: invincible

Congratulations to Braeden, Adrian, and Jessa for winning Immunity on today's spelling test. Well done! Congratulations, too, to Adrian for perfect completion of the 3 and 6 times tables. Amazing work! There are only 3 more facts for you to learn, now, Adrian: 4 x 4 = 16, 8 x 4 =32, and 8 x 8 = 64. That's all there is, there ain't no more! (Bad grammar, good math!)

Thanks to Principal T, as well, for the 5 extra recess minutes. You're great, Breanna!

1. Practise the times tables.
2. Spelling due Thursday.

Head Scratcher of the day: A truck is about to go under a bridge. Its load is 5 cm higher than the clearance of the bridge. (In other words, if the truck tries to under the bridge, its load will bonk into the bridge.) It is a very heavy load, so it cannot be unloaded. How can it pass under the bridge in a quick and simple way?

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