Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11, 2013

Word of the day: matrimony

Sam's caregiver tonight is Cadence.  (Logan was the lucky boy who got Sam for the extended weekend.)

This week's spelling list was designed by the class to follow a Valentines theme.  The words are: love, kiss, hug, osculate, embrace, Cupid and Valentine.

The at-home reading program has changed a bit.  The books are now coming home in a plastic bag, accompanied by a printing book.  After the student reads the book aloud, they pick a sentence starter from inside the printing book's front cover, then write something about what they've just read.  If they get stuck on how to spell a word, they should ask themselves the same question they ask when they're stuck on reading: What do I know about this word?  It's amazing how often they can figure out their own spelling when they do this.

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