Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

Word of the day: expand

Sam's caregiver for the night: Addi

To go along with our word of the day, we did an experiment to make soap expand.  If you'd like to try it at home, buy a bar of ivory (no other soap will work) and put it in the microwave on "high" for about 2 minutes.  (You might want to put some paper towel underneath the soap before you turn the microwave on, to keep your microwave clear of soap.)  If you want to, you can remold the soap by adding just a little water - just like making pie crust.  Ain't science fun?

Here's a photo of some of our soap "engineers" from this afternoon:  (Chloe M is holding a bar of soap to show its size before expansion.  Kairos is holding a plate showing what the soap looks like after it expands.)  Addi, Chloe O., Hana, and Logan are holding body parts of the snowman we molded after the soap expanded.  Angelo is just there for his good looks.)

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