Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014

The latest two words of the day are: intrepid and rapid. We're going to the seniors' residence (across the street from the school) Thursday morning at 9:30 to perform our "Chamber of Commerce songs"; if you missed the show last Friday evening(or if you'd like an encore!), you're most welcome to join us! Just a reminder that we're going to try wearing sunglasses for our Christmas concert piece; please send a pair asap so we can begin practicing with them. (Please don't feel compelled to buy sunglasses if you don't have a pair. I have some extras I can lend to students.) Also, remember that your child doesn't need any special clothing for the concert. They can just wear their Christmas finery. If that means jeans and a shirt, that's fine. Our concert is next Wednesday (a week from tomorrow). Students should be at the school by 6:45. The concert will begin at 7:00. I'll be in the room at 6:30. Our dress rehearsal will be next Tuesday morning at 9:00. Some of the Christmas books that are going home in the golden envelopes are longer than others. I want your child to read every night, but I also want them to LOVE books, so if the longer books get too tedious, parents can alternate sentences (or pages) with the students, to keep things moving along. Thanks to those who've sent food bank items. We're continuing to collect non-perishables until the end of next week. Please avoid sending glass jars, if possible, as we're going to have a "fire bucket" brigade type of delivery service - passing the food from student to student along Geikie Street to the food bank collection site. Last year some packages were dropped - and the glass jars that were inside created quite a mess.

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