Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

Remember that there is a presentation/open house regarding emergency preparedness at the Emergency Services Building (firehall/ambulance building tonight), beginning at 4:30.

Thanks to those parents who have returned permission forms for this Friday's school outing to Lake Annette. If you haven't already returned your child's form, please do so asap.

Keep those energy cube challenges going, everyone! We had some pretty impressive results from week one! Remember that if your child does some activity with a family member, they get to double the cubes they get to colour.

Thanks to those who accepted the challenge of a Screen Free Week last week; we even went screen-free here in Room Four. There are lots of great alternatives to playing video games and watching computer, ipad, and television screens; it was great to hear how students spent screen-free time last week.

Last Friday was our student teacher's last day with us. Here's a shot of her with our amazing first graders!

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