Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

Word of the day: hexagon

1. Library books, if there are any more out there!
2. Spelling test
3. Practise times tables
4. Twin Day tomorrow
5. Noon dismissal tomorrow

Head Scratcher of the day: A deaf, mute man entered a hardware store. He indicated that he wanted a saw by pretending to saw a piece of wood. Then a blind man entered the store. He wanted a pair of scissors. How did he make the clerk understand what he wanted?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010

Word of the day: pentagon

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Practise times tables
2. Spelling due
3. Library books due

Head scratcher of the day: What unusual word of seven letters has three u's in it?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

Word of the day: absurd

Be sure to chat about the amazing science demo the school had this morning. Now we all know what to do if we ever have to brush an elephant's teeth ...

1. Practise times tables
2. Spelling due Thursday
3. Dream up some good ideas for the pirate story writing!

Head scratcher of the day: How can you pass your body through a postcard? (Yep, you read it correctly: How can you pass your body through a postcard?) It's possible! Good luck figuring it out! (Hint: you'll need some scissors.)

Just to keep myself practised in attaching videos, I've added the one below. I hope you like it as much as I did!

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Word of the day: Ides of March

Congratulations to Nathan for getting his 5s and 7s for the Mathematical Heavyweights challenge! Now on to the 3 and 6 times tables!

1. Practise times tables
2. Spelling due Thursday
3. Note (re science activities this week)
4. Get report cards/interview sheets signed and return them

We did a creative thinking activity today to list different things that you associate with circles. The quantity and quality of the ideas were outstanding! Here are some of the ideas that the class came up with:
1. the bottom part of a banjo
2. tire
3. medal
4. yo-yo
5. orange
6. clock
7. bowls
8. hamburger
9. bellybutton
10. earring
11. hockey puck
12. collar
13. yolk of a fried egg
14. glass part of a magnifying glass
15. planets
16. zero
17. iris of an eye
18. lids
19. pizza
20. ponytail holder
21. hula hoop
22. coins
23. Olympic rings
24. buttons
25. centre of a doughnut

The ideas were amazing in their originality and in their number. Pretty impressive stuff!

Head Scratcher of the day: "So I Says..." is a game where you create a joke by having to supply a first name to complete the "So I says" sentence. (Yes, "So I says" is horrible grammar. You have to ignore that part of the game.) An example would be, So I says to the girl standing in the swamp, I says "Marsha, ..."

Try these ones.
1. So I says to the girl blessing the food, I says _______________...
2. So I says to the fellow floating gently on the waves, I says ______________...
3. So I says to the man seasoning the soup, I says ____________ ...
4. So I says to the mand using the PA system, I says ____________ ...
5. So I says to the man learning to tame lions, I says ____________ ...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

Word of the day: transparent

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Practise times tables
2. Spelling test
3. Library books

Now that it's beginning to be bike season again, it's important to watch out for cyclists. This video is a good reminder to us all to PAY ATTENTION!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010

Just in case you thought we worked our fingers to the bone hour after hour here in Room 4, here's some evidence that we have fun sometimes, too. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Word of the day: emerald


1. Practise times tables

2. Get math test signed and return it
We were also doing some creative thinking challenges today, and the topic of using veggies for unusual purposes came up. The video below shows a gentleman who REALLY takes creativity to the highest level. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

Word of the day: opaque

Congratulations to our multiplication whiz: Adrian, who has once again correctly finished his multiplication test in UNDER the given time. Super!

1. Practise multiplication facts
2. Wear green tomorrow!

Head Scratcher of the day: When does 1 - 60 = 23?

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Word of the day: octagon

Congratulations to Speedy Adrian, who finished his times tables test in record time today - and did it perfectly, to boot!

1. Practise math facts
2. Spelling due Thursday
3. Note regarding head lice

We practised playing a card game called Clock today - try it at home!

Head Scratcher of the day: When does 3 + 5 = 1?

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12. 2010

Word of the day: translucent

Congratulations to Sally for perfect completion of the 4s and 8s time tables challenge! Well done!

1. Practise times tables!

Head scratcher of the day: When does 1 - 3 = 9?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Word of the day: hexagon

Congratulations to Ethan, Braeden and Jessa for perfect completion of today's times tables test. Well done!

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Spelling test
2. Library books
3. Cookie sale
4. Practise times tables
5. Get math test signed and return it (Make sure you go over your mistakes and see where you went wrong - if you had any mistakes!)

We learned how to play Zoom, schwartz, pfigliano today. Try it out at home - remember to say "Zoom," for numbers that are multiples of 6 or that have a 6 in them, and "Schwartz," for numbers that are multiples of 7 or that have a 7 in them. And if you make it to 100, DON'T FORGET TO SAY "PFIGLIANO!"

Head Scratcher of the day: When does 24 + 6 = 1? When 24 hours plus 6 days equals one week. Keep that in mind while you try to explain this math sentence: When does 5 + 5 = 1?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

Word of the day: pentagon

1. Practise times tables
2. Cookie sale tomorrow

Head scratcher of the day: A bus with no passengers stops, and five people get on. At the next stop, eight people get on. At the next stop, six people get off. How many people are left on the bus?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

Word of the day: absurd

Thanks so much to Severin's mom, Breanna's dad, and Ethan's mom for volunteering to help with the ski program - we really appreciate your help! The ski group I was with today did an awesome job on the slopes - I was really impressed!

1. Practise times tables
2. Remember ski "stuff" for tomorrow

Head scratcher of the day: What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every race?

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Word of the day: copasetic

This was the final day to collect for our school's Haiti fund raiser. We counted the money that our class raised and are very proud of ourselves, as we collected $95.20!! Thanks so much to everyone who supported this great cause!

1. Spelling due Thursday
2. Math due tomorrow
3. Skiing tomorrow - bring lunch and ski clothing/gear. If you're using sunscreen, please apply it at home.

Homework tip: If anyone is having trouble figuring out the math fractions problems, try drawing a picture of the students. (Just use circles or squares to represent the students.) Draw all 24 students. Then, if you're talking about 1/4 of the students, decide how many groups of students you'll need. (You'll need 4 groups if you're talking about fourths.) Break the students into the 4 groups. Each group will be one fourth. So 1/4 of 24 students is 6 students. Similarly, if you're talking about 1/6 of the students, you'll need to divide the students into 6 groups. If you're talking about 1/8 of the students, you'll need to divide the students into 8 groups. Hopefully the pictures will help!

Head scratcher of the day: Tie a knot in a string by holding one end in each hand and not letting go with either hand. It's possible! See what you can come up with!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

Word of the day: transparent

Congratulations to Megan for finishing her final times tables test - and getting 100% on it! You're joining the teaching ranks now, Megan! Well done!

1. Spelling test tomorrow
2. Practise times tables
3. Our final day to collect money for Haiti will be next Monday.
4. Library book exchange is tomorrow afternoon

Head Scratcher of the day: Someone dared me to jump over a pencil on the floor. I could not, even though I'm a good jumper. How come I wasn't able to?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

Word of the day: congruent

Congratulations to Sally today for perfect completion of the 3 and 6 times tables test! Now it's on to the 4 and 8 times tables - study hard!

1. Book order due tomorrow
2. Practise times tables
3. Coins for Haiti

Head Scratcher for the day: If Albert's peacock jumps over the fence onto Edward's property and lays an egg there, whose egg is it?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

Word of the day: schooner

Congratulations to Adrian, Breanna, and Jessa for perfect completion of today's times tables challenge! Super work! Adrian, this means that you have completed ALL the times tables facts -VERY impressive! You'll have to don a tie and join the teacher tomorrow - we have a special job for you! Hold your breath!

1. Practise multiplication facts
2. Coins for Haiti
3. Math sheet due tomorrow
4. Book order due Thursday

Head Scratcher of the day: Among my siblings, I am the thinnest. I am in Paris, but I am not in France. Who am I? (Of course, to solve this, it helps to remember what siblings are ... If you're stuck, try logging on to ).

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010

Word of the day: osculate

Congratulations to Adrian, Braeden, and Severin for winning Immunity on today's spelling test. Great job! Congratulations, too, to Megan and Ethan for perfect completion of the multiplication check -up today. Our class is really getting good at times tables!

1. Practise times tables
2. Book order due Thursday
3. Spelling due Thursday

Ski notes went home today, outlining some details of next week's ski program. Any parents who would like to be added to the volunteer list for skiing, please know that you will be welcome and appreciated! Just let me know asap if you're coming.

Head scratcher of the day: What gets wetter as it dries?

These optical illusions (below) are cool. Check them out!