Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Word of the day: hexagon

Congratulations to Ethan, Braeden and Jessa for perfect completion of today's times tables test. Well done!

Reminders for tomorrow:
1. Spelling test
2. Library books
3. Cookie sale
4. Practise times tables
5. Get math test signed and return it (Make sure you go over your mistakes and see where you went wrong - if you had any mistakes!)

We learned how to play Zoom, schwartz, pfigliano today. Try it out at home - remember to say "Zoom," for numbers that are multiples of 6 or that have a 6 in them, and "Schwartz," for numbers that are multiples of 7 or that have a 7 in them. And if you make it to 100, DON'T FORGET TO SAY "PFIGLIANO!"

Head Scratcher of the day: When does 24 + 6 = 1? When 24 hours plus 6 days equals one week. Keep that in mind while you try to explain this math sentence: When does 5 + 5 = 1?

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