Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9, 2010

Reminders for today:
1. Practise spelling.
2. Practise counting - forward to 20 and backward to one, and by 2's, 5's and 10's to 100.
3. Print out the number words to twenty (one, two, three, etc.) and practise reading them. We tested the class today on these words. Anyone who did not get 20/20 will have another chance to write the test tomorrow. Practise hard! If your child is stuck on a word, ask them, "What do you know about this word?" then wait for them to try to solve the problem on their own. Watch out for numbers that begin the same way (like twelve and twenty) and have them look at the whole word. If your child makes a mistake reading the numbers, ask them to take a second look or "Check that one again."

Today's take-home "Golden Envelope" reading selection is a snappy little number called "Hal and Nip". Have your child work on reading the sentences smoothly. It should sound as though they're speaking to someone - try to have them avoid being robotic. (Repeating a sentence once they've worked through it and figured out the sense of it will help them smooth the reading out.)

There will be no school on Remembrance Day.

The guitars are on display at the back of the classroom and they look FANTASTIC! Drop in for a peek if you get a minute.

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