Monday, December 6, 2010

December 6, 2010

This week's spelling words are listed in the agendas. The focus this week is on "ow", as in the words "cow, how, now, wow, down", etc. We discussed the fact that this is only one way to make the "ow" sound and that "ow" sometimes can say other things (as in the words "owner" or "grow").

Today's Golden Envelope book is introducing the "ea" combination, while still reviewing "magic e" words. If everyone keeps up with this nightly reading, it will really help move the class along the road to becoming competent, confident readers.

Great job on the Sam journal entries! It's always great to see what has been added to Sam's catalogue of experiences!

Our class will be performing in next Thursday's Christmas concert (December 16th). There are no special costumes required - everyone can just wear their Christmas finery - but girls will need a LARGE metal mixing bowl and an apron (if possible).

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