Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

There will be no spelling this week - we just thought that making a fake list of really difficult words would be a funny, funny trick to play on the parents. (We're warming up for April Fool's!)

The Golden Envelope program has entered a new phase. Please check out the note in your child's agenda regarding this. The addition of sentence writing will help extend and cement the reading skills the students have cultivated to date.

There should be a list of all the students' names in the front pockets of the agendas. The list is for anyone who would like to send Valentines next Monday. (Students are not required to bring Valentines, but if they do, they should bring one for everyone in the class. This helps keep everyone happy!)

Remember that students will be dismissed Wednesday at noon and that there is no school this Thursday and Friday.

Come and check out the "I Spy" bulletin board that went up today. The students' art work and their written efforts are outstanding!

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