Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Thanks to everyone for supporting our cookie sale today. We made $96.33! (Amazing how the sale of 25 cent cookies can produce that sum, isn't it?) The class helped set up, sell cookies, and count the coins at the end. (Let's see who remembers how to count by 25 tomorrow!) What a great way to learn about money - and about helping our Foster Child.

Cross country skiing just gets better and better with this class. Some people are starting to set the track on fire when they ski around the big loop and more and more people are standing up ALL THE WAY DOWN THE HILL! Yeehaw! Hopefully our snow will hold so that we can go a few more times next week. (Some of the students have trouble tieing their own ski boot laces. If you find the time, could you check to see if your child knows how to do this? If they don't, it would be very helpful if you could give them a lesson in tieing laces. Thanks.)

Remember that there will be a spelling test tomorrow and that it will again be in the sentence format.

I'm sorry to write that I didn't get a chance to look over the blue book sentences today. (It looks like I've got double duty tomorrow.)

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