Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 15, 2011

Today's word of the day: crimson

A book order went home with the students today. Anyone who'd like to order books should have their order in by tomorrow. Thanks.

A ticket for an Edmonton Eskimoes event also went home with the students today.

We've been building a bank of sight words in Grade One. Words that we've covered so far include I, the, is, little, big, boy, girl, an, am, and see. We've also been working on recognising colour words and number words to ten. As well, we've been building blended words, using "ay" as a base - words like may, pay, bay, day, say, sway, lay, ray, hay, okay, etc. If anyone is keen to help their child practise any of these words, it would certainly be a big help.

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