Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27, 2011

We're beginning a review of the first ten words of the day. Today's word for review was initial.
We used it in the following sentence: "Breakfast is the initial meal of the day."

The first graders are bringing home the sheets that accompany the first ten lessons of the Companion Reading portion of our Language Arts program. Parents can review the sheets with their children. The sheets can then stay at home - there' s no need to return them.

First grade parents, remember to check out the new phonics link at the side. If you run out of things to do for homework, you can always have your child practise counting aloud to 20 - forward and backward.

Remember that tomorrow is photo day. Dig out your favourite duds and practise those smiles!

Also, just a gentle reminder that the Terry Fox pledge sheets should be in by this Thursday. Please return the sheets whether your child is collecting pledges or not. Thanks. (An alternative to collecting pledges is to "Bring a toonie for Terry", but, again, collecting funds is an option, not a requirement, for our Friday afternoon run. We'll be running around the school block - a distance of one kilometre (and just 41 fewer kilometres than Terry ran EACH DAY!)

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