Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011

(Review) word of the day: subtle

First graders' homework:

1. Study for tomorrow's "ing" spelling test.
2. Read the "Golden Envelope" book and have your parents record the book's title and today's date.

Our class will be participating in a "Roots of Empathy" program this year. Leslie Dolan will be delivering the program. She made her initial visit to the class today and gave us some background information about what she'll be doing. Basically, the program is designed to teach children about feelings (both their own and the feelings of others) and to develop empathy. The program uses a real live baby(!) to help teach its points. This year we're really lucky to have Baby Arlo and his parents participate in the program. Arlo and his parent(s) will visit the class once every 3 weeks and, under Leslie's expert guidance, we'll all develop our empathetic souls! More details will be sent home in a letter tomorrow - stay tuned!

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