Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Today's reading homework is A Cow in Town.  We're really flying through these phonetic books; many of the students are finding them very easy to read - great to see!

We have skating tomorrow afternoon from 2:00 - 3:00.  Please send skates, a helmet, and appropriate clothing. 

To help out with our community's Auto-Immune Awareness Day, all students are invited to wear PJs to school this Friday.  Let's see how many PJ-clad people we'll have in Room Four!  Also our class, along with the Grade One students from last year, have been invited to perform again at this year's street party this Friday.  Interested and available tudents should meet with their parents at the old firehall (directly across from the post office) at 6:30 to perform at 6:40.  Marta Rode will lead the students in singing Will I Am's "What I Am" song.  (Google "Will I Am Sesame Street to watch the song - it's a great one!)  Everyone is invited to wear their PJs under their parkas, and to participate in the mini street party that will follow the performance.  There'll be a rail jam, adult street hockey, live music, and Mike Day's hotdog stand!  Sounds like fun!  For more information, go to

This Wednesday afternoon we'll be participating in the Winter Carnaval at the ball diamond park.  Please ensure that your child is prepared for an afternoon of outdoor physical activities and games.

This Friday we'll begin a Show and Tell program.  Every Friday the students will select a theme-based show and tell item to present to the class. A note will go home Mondays so the students can write about their selections, then they'll read their writings as they offer their show and tell treasures to the class Friday afternoons.  This week's theme is "Twinkle and Tell" - they should choose anything shiny or sparkly to write about and show the class.

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