Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 19, 2016

Welcome to our class blog!  We'll be using this forum to post class photos, links to learning, announcements/reminders, bouquets, etc. Enjoy!

Here's a shot of our grade two class pausing for a photo on last Friday's Terry Fox Run.  (Thanks to everyone who sent toonies to support this great cause!)  We ran one and a half km, gaining a real appreciation for Terry, who ran 42 km every day of his Marathon of Hope.

The first graders are starting their home learning program, bringing home book bags today. There should be two books, an activity and a parent info card with each bag. The idea is to have parents read the books in the bag to their children, work through the accompanying activity, then return the book (with all its contents intact, please!) to school the next morning.  A new book bag will be coming home every day. The goal of this at-home reading program is to inspire a love of and an interest in books and reading, and to reinforce at-school learning. Parents play a big role in their children's education; your support will make a big difference.

The first graders are also bringing home their first weekly spelling list. Check the left hand side of this week's agenda page for the words we'll practice for this Friday's big spelling test!

The first graders are also bringing home an apple book to "read" to a willing listener at home. We've practiced  this at school, setting up some sight word reinforcement, and using patterning, predicting, memorization and picture prompts to support reading. Enjoy!

Just a few reminders: there will be a snack sale this Thursday at recess. Snacks will cost 25 cents;  dig those quarters out!

There will be a noon dismissal for students  this Friday, to allow staff to attend a professional development afternoon.

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