Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28, 2016

Remember that the second graders are swimming tomorrow.

Also, remember that the first graders are going to the thrift store in the basement of the United Church tomorrow morning  to shop for scarecrow apparel! If you could send along a quarter or two to contribute to the cost of our purchases, that would be great. Thanks!

I wanted to mention the growing pile of items in our school's lost and found. If you label your child's clothing, lunch kit, shoes, mittens, etc., there's a far greater chance that missing items will be returned to the proper owners. (Clear labels will be especially helpful next week when the class goes swimming.)

We've added some new words to our sight words list. It's growing! The sight words now include:

we, all, for, my, you, is, at, little, can, an, am, is, big, the, I, girl, a, this, boy, not, said, good, and all the number words up to ten.

Here are some recent "Fall Magic" pictures from the Grade One class.

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