Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

1. Study spelling. This week's words don't follow a pattern as most of the previous lists have. Instead, they are common words that all the first graders should be able to read and spell automatically.
2. We will be skating again this Thursday afternoon. Thanks in advance for sending skates, appropriate clothing, and helmets, and for all the parents who will help us out at the arena.
3. If the weather smartens up, we will be going sliding Friday afternoon at the ball park hill. Please send warm clothing and sleds for this activity.
4. Read! (Don't forget about the Tumblebooks site. If your child reads a book from the site, please have them take the follow-up quiz (if it's available) and try a follow-up game (if it's available.)

We are making snowmen Wednesday afternoon and are looking for Gatorade or Powerade lids to use as snowmen hats. If you have any clean lids that you could donate to our class, we'd appreciate them. Thanks!

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