Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2011

The class did a super job cross country skiing today! We would like to get out to the ball diamond again, but will have to keep a weather eye out and wait for another good day. We'll aim for next week - stay tuned for a decision on which day(s) we'll try to go. If you get a chance, check to see if your child knows how to tie shoes - all the x-c boots have laces and it speeds things up if everyone knows how to tie their own.

We'll be going sliding at Centennial Park tomorrow afternoon. Please send sleds and ski helmets if you have them. We do have ski helmets to loan if people need them.

Remember that we have skating Thursday afternoon, so everyone will need to bring rink gear on that day. (Skiing, sledding, skating - isn't winter great?!)

We had another super art lesson with Libby Weir this afternoon. We go again tomorrow afternoon and once more Thursday morning. (The Picasso/Renoir/Group of Seven traits that are coming out .... oh my!) Libby just told me that if anyone has extra fabric that they'd like to donate to our class for tomorrow's art project, she'd accept it with thanks and appreciation.

Today's Golden Envelope reading book is from our basal reading series. If you get a chance, you can point out the use of quotation marks and the "y" endings on noisy, silly, smelly, grumpy, and lonely (to go with our spelling lesson this week) in the Twinkle Twinkle story.

I thought I should throw in a quick reminder that our class uses the side door by the bike racks. If students come in another door with their boots on, it can leave puddles, which are nasty for the people who've left their boots in the proper spot and who are walking in sock feet to their lockers. Thanks to all the parents who thoughtfully leave their boots at the doors, too. It really helps keep our socks dry!

I need to send another thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to prepare and deliver the school's brain boost snacks. We really appreciate your time and efforts.

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