Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012

(Review) word of the day: vast

Thanks so much to the parents who volunteered to help out with today's sports afternoon!

Just a reminder that we are going to Lake Annette for our picnic tomorrow.  Grade one students will be leaving the school at 11:15.  Grade 2 students will leave for the lake approximately a half hour later.  (The bus we've booked doesn't hold all the students at once, so we're leaving in two waves.)   All students should be back at the school by 3:00.

Thanks to all the parents who volunteered to send healthy finger food for our picnic.  Thanks, too, to everyone who volunteered to drive their children to and from the lake - it means we can get everyone out in two trips instead of three. 

Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for the day.  If you want them to wear bug spray or sunscreen, please apply it at home before they leave for school.  Thanks!

Now for clear skies tomorrow .....

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