Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

(Reveiw) word of the day: swift

The grade one students have a challenging word list this week.  They are all words that we pronounce wrong so that we can spell them correctly!  While the list looks pretty formidable, you might be surprised at how well they work through our test this Friday!

The school is participating in Wild Wacky Walking Wednesday this week. Students and staff are challenged to find a way to get to school without being driven in a vehicle - pogo sticking?  Riding a pony?  Roller blading?  Decorating a bike and riding that?  Arriving in a wheelbarrow?  Anything goes!  High school students will be on hand to give prizes to anyone participating in this event.

This Friday our school student council is sponsoring a Black and White Day.  Students are invited (but not required) to wear black and white colours on that day.

Two notes regarding end-of-year events were sent home today.  Please sign and return these ASAP.  Thanks.

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