Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010

Word of the day: contagious

Congratulations to Jessa, Severin, Megan, Breanna, and Braeden for winning Immunity from this week's spelling - well done!

1. Spelling (unless you have immunity!) homework due Thursday.
2. The third graders will be going downhill skiing in March. Students are bringing home information on the ski program today. Please complete the forms, sign them, and return them with the ski fee if your child has permission to attend the ski lessons.

We began learning about multiplication today. We discussed how the "x" sign can mean "groups of", so that 3 x 4 would mean "three groups of four". We also related
3 x 4 to 4 x 3 and talked about how multiplication is the reverse of division. As well, the 9 times table was introduced. Students, see if you can remember what was so cool about the answers to the 9 times table.

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