Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010

Word of the day: precocious

1. Practise the 9 and 2 times tables. It's ESSENTIAL that students memorize these important math facts. (Remember to do some questions like: 9 x __ = 36.)
2. Wacky Hair Day is this Friday. Participation is, of course, optional.
3. There will be a noon dismissal this Friday to allow teachers to attend a professional development session.
4. Library book exchange will be tomorrow morning this week.
5. Please bring skates and helmets for Friday morning. The class will be skating immediatey following the "Olympic Parade" (see yesterday's Family Head note.

Sorry about the "Head Scratcher" from yesterday. It SHOULD have read "Rearrange the letters in the words 'new door' to make one word. We talked about the answer this morning, so students can give their parents some clues about the answer. Here's a new challenge for today: "Forward I'm heavy. Backward I'm not. What am I?" (There, I think I've got that one right!)

Students, if you remember how to set up the phone book challenge, show your parents. Let me know if it works!

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