Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Word of the day: contagious

Jessa, Brianna, and Megan: great coordination in our skipping activities in gym today!

I've added a new link at the side. It's called Spelling City - look for it right at the top of the list of links. If you go to the site and add the spelling words for this week, the site will set up games and activities for the students. It's pretty cool - check it out if you get a minute.

1. Spelling homework is due Thursday.
2. Book orders are due Friday.
3. A Peter Puffin note went home today.
4. Practise the 9 and 2 times tables.

Head Scratcher: "If you give me food I will grow. If you give me water, I will die. Who or what am I?"

Students, you can ask your parents this riddle, too: "What do yawning, laughing, and the chicken pox have in common?"

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